Algorithm for Securing Hybrid Cloud Outsourced Data in the Banking Sector

Hybrid cloud technology is becoming increasingly popular in the banking sector due to its cost-effectiveness and flexibility.

However, outsourcing data to a third-party cloud provider can pose security risks.

To address these risks, an algorithm has been developed that combines encryption, access control, and auditing mechanisms.

The algorithm ensures that data is encrypted before it is outsourced to the cloud provider.

Access control mechanisms are used to ensure that only authorized users can access the data.

Auditing mechanisms are used to track and monitor access to the data.

The algorithm also includes a key management system to ensure that encryption keys are securely stored and managed.

The algorithm has been tested and evaluated using real-world data from a banking institution.

The results show that the algorithm is effective in securing hybrid cloud outsourced data in the banking sector.

Overall, the algorithm provides a comprehensive solution for addressing security risks associated with hybrid cloud outsourcing in the banking sector.

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